
5 Facts About Carnauba Wax

Waxes play an important role in many industries. Products can benefit from different types of waxes used for bonding purposes, coatings, sealing and other applications. You can find many waxes that are beneficial for these uses and have a variety of properties that make them unique and useful for products. One of the many waxes that industry can use in their supply chain and products is carnauba wax.

Carnauba wax is a natural plant wax used in many products and applications. This substance has many unique qualities, from its origin to some of its common applications. Read on to learn five facts about this wax type and how carnauba wax can benefit your company.

1. It Comes From a Unique Source

Brazilian carnauba wax comes from the leaves of the carnauba tree found in Brazil. The leaves are dried and tapped to release the wax, which is then bleached or refined for a variety of uses. This harvesting process does not harm the trees and because of its source, Brazilian carnauba wax is classified as a natural plant wax. Because of its origin, some people also refer to this product as “palm wax”.

2. It Has Various Properties

Carnauba wax has a lustre which is ideal for giving a glossy appearance to many products. It is also water resistant when applied to certain products. Carnauba wax is brittle when used alone, so it is often used in combination with other wax types. Carnauba wax has a high melting point of approximately 185 degrees Fahrenheit, which helps the substance to be a strong and durable natural wax.

3. It’s Used in Emulsions

Carnauba wax is a commonly used wax for emulsions, which are stabilised mixtures of one or more waxes in water. This wax emulsion is often used in creams and ointments to thicken them.

4. It’s Used in Various Polishes

Because of its lustre, carnauba wax is commonly used in polishes, including car, shoe and floor polishes. It is also used as a shiny coating for produce such as apples and cucumbers. The shiny wax coating not only makes the floor or fruit look beautiful, but also adds a protective layer.

5. It Can Be Used in Food

Some people are surprised to learn that you can eat carnauba wax. The food-grade variety is safe to eat and is found in items ranging from fruit snacks to M&M’S sweets. Carnauba wax is responsible for preventing these foods from melting and giving them a shine.

Another common food product that carnauba wax is used in is cheese. Hard cheeses benefit from waxes such as carnauba wax because they protect the cheese and prevent it from spoiling quickly. After melting the carnauba, dip the cheese into the substance or coat it to cover the entire wheel of cheese. To eat, simply peel off the wax and enjoy!

Other Uses for Carnauba Wax

Carnauba wax offers benefits for various industries and applications. Other than for polishes and emulsions, carnauba wax can be used for:

Cosmetics: Carnauba wax is mainly used in the manufacture of eyeliners, lipsticks, foundations, skin care products, deodorants and eye shadows. The substance is also hypoallergenic, which is a feature of various cosmetic products.

Pharmaceuticals: Carnauba wax is used as a tablet coating substance for various pills and tablets.

Leather: Carnauba wax favours the protection of leather products against water damage. The substance is hydrophobic and insoluble in water.

Automotive: Carnauba wax helps to protect your car and make it look attractive. The wax protects your car from the sun’s UV rays, makes the car mirrors shine and protects the paintwork from various outdoor elements.

Order Wax From AODING Group

AODING GROUP can provide you with the wax you need blending with carnauba wax.

We have the knowledge to help your company find the right wax for your application or create the wax blend that best fits your business. Contact us today to learn more about our wax products and services!

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